Pieces on Social Norms
Social Norms
Encyclopedia of Experimental Social Sciences,
2025 |
Why Do People Follow Social Norms?
Current Opinion in Psychology, 2022 |
Norm Multiplicity
Current Opinion in Psychology, 2025 |
Social Norms in Experimental
Economics: Towards a Unified Theory of Normative
Decision Making
Analyse & Kritik, 2020 |
of Minds
Theory of Minds
with Erik Kimbrough |
of Norms
Model |
A Theory of Injunctive Norms
with Erik Kimbrough |
Resentment and Punishment
with Erik Kimbrough |
A Meta-Theory of Moral Rules
with Erik Kimbrough |
The Evolution of Personal Standards into
Social Norms
with Hannes Rusch |
Model |
Affective Decision-Making and Moral
with Erik Kimbrough
see the
video of the NoBec Talks presentation
of Institutions
Endogenous Institutions and Economic
with James A. Robinson and Ekaterina Vostroknutova
(also the World Bank Working Paper, see below) |
Norms |
Pluralism Breeds Tolerance
with Folco Panizza, Eugen Dimant, and Erik
Kimbrough |
The Role of Meta-Context in Moral
with Folco Panizza and Giorgio Coricelli |
Normative Acceptance of Power Abuse
with Leonard Hoeft and Wladislaw Mill |
Science |
Polarization and Election Expectations
with Maxim Doiron, Kaj Thomsson, and Elias Tsakas
Beliefs |
Incentives or Persuasion? An Experimental
with Andreas Aristidou and Giorgio Coricelli |
by Topic
(see in chronological order)
Lint, L., Rossmann, M., Vostroknutov, A., 2024. Narrative
influence on support of a public policy: The case of
nuclear power in the Netherlands. PNAS
Nexus 3(4), pgae149 |
J.A., Vostroknutov, A., Vostroknutova, E., 2023. Endogenous
Institutions and Economic Policy. Policy Research
Working Paper no. WPS10600. Washington, D.C.:
World Bank Group |
Bank, 2023. The Brazil of the Future: towards
Productivity, Inclusion, and Sustainability. Washington,
D.C.: World Bank Group |
A. The Role of Trust in Intertemporal Choice: The
Case of Brazil
(the contribution to the
"Brazil of the Future" report above) |
Social Norms
Methods |

Kimbrough, E.O., Vostroknutov, A., 2018. A
Portable Method of Eliciting Respect for Social Norms.
Economics Letters 168, 147-150 |

Kimbrough, E.O., Vostroknutov, A., 2016.
Norms Make Preferences Social. The Journal
of the European Economic Association 14(3),
608-638 |
Science |
F., Dimant, E., Kimbrough, E., Vostroknutov, A., 2024. Measuring
Norm Pluralism and Perceived Polarization in U.S.
Politics. PNAS Nexus 3(10),
pgae413 |

Thomsson, K.M., Vostroknutov, A., 2017. Small-World
Conservatives and Rigid Liberals: Attitudes Towards
Sharing in Self-Proclaimed Left and Right. Journal
of Economic Behavior and Organization 135,
181-192 |
Experiments |
N., Strobel, M., Vostroknutov, A., 2022. Moral Opportunism as a Consequence of
Decision Making under Uncertainty. Journal of Economic Behavior and
Organization 197, 624-642
Gürdal, M.Y., Torul, O., Vostroknutov, A., 2020.
Norm Compliance, Enforcement, and the Survival of
Redistributive Institutions. Journal of
Economic Behavior and Organization 178, 313-326 |

Eijkelenboom, G.G., Rohde, I., Vostroknutov, A.,
2019. The Impact of the Level of Responsibility on
Choices under Risk: The Role of Blame. Experimental
Economics 22(4), 794-814 |
Baader, M., Vostroknutov, A., 2017. Interaction
of Reasoning Ability and Distributional Preferences in a
Social Dilemma. Journal of Economic
Behavior and Organization 142, 79-91 |
S., Mengel, F., Tsakas, E., Vostroknutov, A., 2017. Growth
and Inequality in Public Good Provision. Journal
of Public Economics 150, 1-13
Economics |
E.O., Vostroknutov, A., 2015. The Social and
Ecological Determinants of Common Pool Resource
Sustainability. Journal of Environmental
Economics and Management 72, 38-53 |
Psychology/Neuroscience |
Panizza, F., Vostroknutov, A., 2025. Norm
Multiplicity. Current Opinion in Psychology
Gross, J., Vostroknutov, A., 2022. Why Do
People Follow Social Norms? Current Opinion in Psychology
44, 1-6
Panizza, F., Vostroknutov, A., Coricelli, G.,
2021. How Conformity Can Lead to Polarized Social
Behavior. PLoS Computational Biology
17(10): e1009530 |

Gross, J., Emmerling, F., Vostroknutov, A., Sack,
A.T., 2018. Manipulation of Pro-Sociality and
Rule-Following with Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation.
Scientific Reports 8, 1827 |
Sociology/Philosophy |
Vostroknutov, A., 2020. Social Norms in
Experimental Economics: Towards a Unified Theory of
Normative Decision Making. Analyse &
Kritik 42(1), 3-39 |
Social Learning
Panizza, F., Vostroknutov, A., Coricelli, G.,
2021. How Conformity Can Lead to Polarized Social
Behavior. PLoS Computational Biology
17(10): e1009530 |
Zonca, J., Vostroknutov, A., Coricelli, G., Polonio,
L., 2021. Timing of Social Feedback Shapes
Observational Learning in Strategic Interaction. Scientific
Reports 11, 21972
Vostroknutov, A., Polonio, L., Coricelli, G.,
2018. The Role of Intelligence in Social Learning. Scientific
Reports 8, 6896 |

Rustichini, A., Vostroknutov, A., 2014. Merit
and Justice: An Experimental Analysis of Attitude to
Inequality. PLoS ONE 9(12):
e114512 |
Vostroknutov, A., 2013. Preferences over
Consumption and Status. Theory and
Decision 74(4), 509-537 |

Vostroknutov, A., Tobler, P., Rustichini, A.,
2012. Causes of Social Reward Differences Encoded in
Human Brain. Journal of Neurophysiology
107, 1403-1412 |
Decisions under Uncertainty
Fioretti, M., Vostroknutov, A., Coricelli, G.,
2022. Dynamic Regret Avoidance. American
Economic Journal: Microeconomics 14(1): 70–93 |

Eijkelenboom, G.G., Rohde, I., Vostroknutov, A.,
2019. The Impact of the Level of Responsibility on
Choices under Risk: The Role of Blame. Experimental
Economics 22(4), 794-814 |

Mengel, F., Tsakas, E., Vostroknutov, A., 2016. Past
Experience of Uncertainty Affects Risk Aversion. Experimental
Economics 19(1), 151-176 |
Vostroknutov, A., 2012. Non-probabilistic
Decision Making with Memory Constraints. Economics
Letters 117, 303-305 |
Reasoning in Games
Baader, M., Vostroknutov, A., 2017. Interaction
of Reasoning Ability and Distributional Preferences in a
Social Dilemma. Journal of Economic
Behavior and Organization 142, 79-91 |
Hawes, D.R., Vostroknutov, A., Rustichini, A.,
2012. Experience and Abstract Reasoning in Learning
Backward Induction. Frontiers in Decision
Neuroscience 6, 23 |

Gneezy, U., Rustichini, A., Vostroknutov, A.,
2010. Experience and Insight in the Race Game. Journal
of Economic Behavior and Organization 75,
144-155 |
 Book Chapters
Vostroknutov, A., 2025. Social Norms.
In Encyclopedia of Experimental Social Sciences.
Edward Elgar Publishing |
Tremewan, J., Vostroknutov, A., 2021. An
Informational Framework for Studying Social Norms.
In Chaudhuri, A. (ed.): A Research Agenda for
Experimental Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing

Coricelli, G., Polonio, L., Vostroknutov, A.,
2020. The Process of Choice in Games. In Capra,
M., Croson, R., Rosenblatt, T., Rigdon M. (eds.): Handbook
of Experimental Game Theory. Edward
Elgar Publishing |
Working Papers
A Theory of Reciprocity with Incomplete

Awareness in Repeated Games
with Friederike Mengel and Elias Tsakas |
Curious Task, Ep.81: Erik Kimbrough - What influences our
Thomsson on How much does political leaning influence
giving, and what does that mean in broader terms?
Dr. Hartmut Kliemt on norm following and the emergence of
social order